Yesterday we spent a long day in Yellowstone National Park - we just wish we could have had longer. There is so much to see that you can't possibly hope to see a fraction of it in a day. We came here 8 years ago and it looked very different as it was June then and it rained. There has been a lot of investment in new visitor centres at different parts of the park.
The Park is an active volcano with 300 geysers and it has 1000-3000 earthquakes annually.
The park is so large it has 5 different entrances for the 466 miles of roads. As the crow flies it is 63 miles north to south and 54 miles east to west. If you are lucky you can see bears, bison, wolves, elk and much more. And to think we saw all this for the cost of $20 (for a motorcylce permit) - which covered us for 2 days.
The Park is made up of forests, lakes, waterfalls, mountains & geysers.
The below waterfall is in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, as shown above.
As you travel through the park you come across the below geyser basins. There are walkways around them so you can get closer, but the ground is like a bubbling cauldron. People have lost feet when they have stepped off the walkways!
Below is a photo of the famous Old Faithful geyser which spouts every 90 minutes - great fun to watch.
At the end of the day after leaving Yellowstone and heading South you enter the Grand Teton National Park. As we entered the sun was going down and the mountains looked spectacular with the sun's last rays shining through as we rode alongside them.